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LINK naar de open source handboeken. http://www.stage-tech-edu.eu/page-3/index.html

(Lees hier de volledige ETTE-projectnota)


Theater performances and events exist all over the world and they need technical support.

The safety which is essential at the realisation of all these projects is considered heterogenously and evaluated differently in the individual countries. All stakeholders agree that an event – despite of all differing aspects – shall be managed safely. The considerations within the Erasmus+ research project EUROPEAN THEATER TECHNICIANS EDUCATION bear in mind these basic view and have led to the formulation of the central theme:

*If you would like to work on my stage, there must be a stage and you must consider:

- Work with respect for your own safety!

- Contribute to a safe and sustainable working environment!

- Consider the safety for your colleagues!

- Consider the safety for other participants!*


The ETTE project is based on these starting points:

1. The ETTE safety passport is a personal document owned by professionals and  practitioners in the field of performing arts, entertainment or events.

2. The ETTE safety passport states the safety competences the wearer has proved in an assessment, agreed between the participating countries.

3. The ETTE safety passport helps an employer or contractor to identify the safety competences in order to improve safety and fulfill his legal obligations.

4. The ETTE safety passport only states safety competences, it does not judge other professional capabilities.

5. The training materials for the ETTE safety competences, developed by the partner countries, are free to use by all organizations or individuals. We promote the use of these training materials in regular education, continuous training or self-study.

6. The assessment of the ETTE safety competences is sector specific and practice based. (In other words, the practitioner is assessed in a sector specific realistic environment and has shown that he/she is able to perform the competences. Underlying knowledge is tested where needed.)

7. The assessment of the ETTE safety competences is done in a standardized way by qualified assessors according to the guidelines and quality insurance procedures developed by the partner countries. (In other words, it does not make any difference where an individual is tested, the result should be the same. )

8. The quality control of the assessment of the ETTE safety competences is done by the consortium of participating countries.

9. The basic set of competences consists of the lowest common denominator of safety competences in the participating countries. This is the minimum competence required to behave safe on stage and it is the basis for more specific safety competences. It includes a profound understanding of the fundamental mechanisms in safety. (This has no influence on the minimum level a country wants to set, it is only the common ground we build on.)

10. The specific competences can be assessed internally or externally. Internal assessment is developed and supervised by the partner countries. External assessment is existing assessment by third parties that reaches the standards set by the participating countries.


11. The ETTE safety passport does not say anything about social relations, wages or other matters that belong to the legal relationship between employer / contractor and employee / subcontractor.

12. The ETTE safety passport is not meant to decide what competences you need to be allowed on a specific stage or in a specific country. It is the employer’s / contractor’s responsibility to decide what safety competences are needed for a specific function or job, according to local legislation and traditions.


The ETTE will split the basic education, based on the European Skills/Competences, qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) (https://ec.europa.eu/esco/portal/home#modal-one) system, into to ten modules:

1. work with respect for own safety (60 00)

2. contribute to a safe and sustainable working environment (60 00)

3. work ergonomically (60 20)

4. use personal protection equipment (60 20)

5. work ergonomically (60 20)

6. work safely at heights (60 50)

7. work safely with mobile electrical systems under supervision (60 45)

8. work safely with machines (60 30)

9. work safely with chemicals (60 40)

10. Fit up and rig performance equipment


The basic safety passport can only be received by somebody when he/she has absolved ALL of the above mentioned ten competences tests successfully.


Meer info op de ETTE-projectwebsite

Bekijk het ETTE-filmpje


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