05 07 2013

Programming and online booking has now opened for a selection of workshops, seminars, lectures and performances. Go to the World Stage Design 2013 What's On section to view and to book online.
Architecture, Costume in Action, Design as Performance and People, Profit, Planet (sustainability in creative practice) sections are now open for booking.
Lighting, puppetry and technical theatre are available to view online, more events will be added and online booking will be available for these parts of the programme soon.
Sound design events will be available to view and book later this month.
Programme leaders have worked tirelessly over the last 6 months to create a fantastic selection of events for you to choose from, with influential figures from the world of performance design.
We hope you will join us this September at World Stage Design 2013.
If you have any queries about the programme, or need any further information please email info@wsd2013.com.
A full programme plan will be available to download later this month. |